How-To Egg Limpia Zoom Workshop
Online Only. 1hr Workshop. Via Zoom
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About this Service
Final sale. Held on Jan. 17th at 6p PT. If you cannot attend live, the replay will be avail for download. Join on this 1hr live zoom workshop as Esoteric Esa instructs and guides how to perform an egg limpia so that you can perform these on your own for the rest of the year. Egg limpia is a powerful way to cleanse your aura, remove evil eye and release blockages. This is an ancestral practice that anyone can respectfully observe through observation for the ancient people's who've passed on this esoteric and taboo form of energy healing. You will learn: 1. Context and History of Egg Limpia 2. How-to Perform Egg Limpias 3. Read the Results (we will read everyone's live together) 4. Learn how to do diagnosis of the limpia for spiritual protection 5. How-to perform on others 6. How-to offer as a service professionally or for altruistic reasons 7. Includes Q+A No refunds or exchanges. This course is not intended to heal, or replace medical or professional advice. Please always consult with your medical practitioner for your health ailments.
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